Can I purchase TrifecTA now?

Discussion of the 2009 Noble Prize in Medicine, focusing on substances that reduce telomere shortening by activating the human telomerase enzyme

Moderator: ofonorow

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Can I purchase TrifecTA now?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:51 am

Hello Owen

I'm a 64 year old Australian with macular degeneration (MD). I read an article about a recent double blind trial of TA-65 for MD that showed promising results and I started looking for TA-65. I've read and viewed Dr Ed Park's You tube videos and internet articles.

I've been reading your blog about your experience of TrefecTA -- which I believe is equivalent to TA-65 but cheaper.

I would value your advice as to where to buy it -- I'm aware there are lots of quacks and scams out there! I'm unsure about a lot of things, for example optimum dose (the study for MD referred to 8 mg purified Astragalus root extract twice daily) and would appreciate any advice you can offer. Many thanks in advance, I'm sure you're a busy man and you're probably inundated with requests from people like me.

Thank you for sharing your experiences online, it is a wonderful resource for people like me.

Regards, U

I would like to see the link to that TA-65 study you mentioned.

If you are following our "blog" (public forum topic about our TrifecTA study) then you should know:

A) So far, after one year, only the women, no men, have grown their telomeres on TrifecTA

B) We have had one spectacular success! A 65-year-old female who is now 60 (biologically) after six months. We are in the process of trying to figure out why. If we can duplicate her success in the other study subjects, even in men :D , then we will have a way to amplify, what otherwise seems to me to be rather marginal effects of TA-65-like Atralagus Root Extract.

So far, TrifecTA benefits include weight loss, so if you are a woman, and willing to start before knowing how the telomere growing effect can be amplified, you may purchase it now from our web site. (And doing so will help us continue funding our investigation).

However, we expect to know a LOT more in six months (testing in July) with the results Aug/Sept.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Can I purchase TrifecTA now?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:55 am

As far as the macular degeneration - I have heard that it can be reversed. It doesn't seem to be a big problem in people taking "megadoses" of vitamin C.

The first thing is to make sure you are off drugs, especially ant-acids. Poor digestion of minerals (caused by low stomach acid) may be the cause of your problem. People have no idea they can go blind (and become depressed) by taking a proton-pump stomach acid blocker (e.g. Nexium or Prilosec), not to mention reduce absorption of vitamin C!

The authoritative book on this is WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU by Jonathan Wright and Lane Lenard.

I would suggest reading HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER by Linus Pauling, and follow Linus Pauling's basic regimen - especially the high vitamins A, C and E. (Vitamin A is used up all the time when your eyes are open)

Then do some googling about Macular Gen. cures... Make sure you have a good mineral supplement too.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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