Lysosomal VC

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Lysosomal VC

Post by Xdxml » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:01 am

pamojja wrote:
Xdxml wrote:
ofonorow wrote: , I got my results yesterday and they are still high at 319 even after 18g of VC daily for 5 months and off any low carb diet ) I have also removed all my mercury fillings in November

My lipids all greatly improved on a low carb diet. Was the mercury removed properly by a informed biological dentist? - Because otherwise the still high cholesterol could be explained to the increased exposure to mercury during the removal.

I thing that is the best way...low carb but not keto. I noticed my trig went up when I ate a lot of breads rice etc..

Yes I specifically when to a biological dentist who had the proper training for it

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Re: Lysosomal VC

Post by pamojja » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:13 am

Xdxml wrote:I thing that is the best way...low carb but not keto. I noticed my trig went up when I ate a lot of breads rice etc..

Yes I specifically when to a biological dentist who had the proper training for it

Glad to hear about the proper mercury removal.

Higher trigs (and lower HDL) is a sign of insulin resistance. Triglycerides are the most informing part of a lipid-panel, since close to 50 mg/dl means almost no dangerous small dense LDL are part of your LDL-lipid fraction. While triglycerides close to 150 mg/dl means almost all of your LDL are small dense LDL. The dangerous type, since they are through their longer life-cycle (don't get recycled as easy) are more oxidized and thereby can contribute to artheriosclerosis.

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Re: Lysosomal VC

Post by Xdxml » Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:36 am

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Re: Lysosomal VC

Post by pamojja » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:39 am

Beside the niacin and high dose omega-3 (between 3 and 6 g of EPA and DHA 'content' of fish oil therefore much higher fish oil as you take) I only know diet.

For that it helps for some time to monitor your blood-glucose with a cheap blood-glucose monitor. Once fasted and once about 1 hr after each meal. That way one can single out foods provoking too high glucose spikes, avoid or eliminate them, and thereby lower triglycerides too.

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Re: Lysosomal VC

Post by ofonorow » Wed Mar 31, 2021 10:56 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Lysosomal VC

Post by Xdxml » Sat May 15, 2021 10:36 am

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Re: Lysosomal VC

Post by ofonorow » Sun May 16, 2021 11:54 am

I would like to try that, but I have one concern, will dextrose raise insulin to unhealthy levels? I normally have zero sugar because I know spikes more than 125 is not good. I try to measure my levels after certain meals to make sure no insulin spike. Perhaps you can address this point?

The new knowledge (at least to me) is how important glucose (dextrose) is for both the brain and liver (Both these organs have reserves that are stored as a form of glycogen.) When you deprive your body of glucose, you start either using up those glycogen reserves, and then when they are depleted, the body has emergency backups that I am not intimately familiar with, i.e., your body may turn proteins into sugars.

Nothing wrong, in my mind or my interpretation, to avoid table sugar, which is half fructose.

But insulin is a natural and important response to the intake of glucose. (Without insulin, it is my new understanding, that many of the nutrients or supplements you take may not be absorbed, and simply pass out of the body.)

Blood sugar control is not necessarily controlling spikes, but keeping your blood sugar low AFTER you process a meal, which can take hours to pass through you digestive system.

Lets say you decided to sweeten your coffee and lemonade with glucose (rather than table sugar/sucrose), I think you would be feeding your body what it absolutely needs. And if you are telling your pancreas to release insulin, then my new understanding is that you should also have nutrients with your glucose/insulin. The insulin that "pushes" the glucose into your cells, would also push nutrients along with (attached to) the glucose.

This seems to be why MM promotes fruits, where the glucose is already bound to the phytonutrients.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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