My partner survived Covid but....

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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My partner survived Covid but....

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Sat May 22, 2021 9:35 am

he's suffering bad post-covid syndrome. He's been in the hospital for months, and is now home due to being out of hospital days with medicare. He can't walk, and has blood clots in both his legs. The medical profession's solution for this is to give him blood thinners, but wait,once he's out of the hospital he has to go to his regular doctor to get that. Only he is too weak to go, and insurance won't cover ground medical transport.

So I was going over our vitamin purchases for the last 2 years, and realized that he had been cutting out almost all vitamins. Maybe he thought he was saving some pennies, I don't know. (He is 70 now). I see now that I am going to have to be the one in charge of his vitamins, permanently. So I'm getting him back on vitamin C and lysine. I'm also going to try N acetyl cysteine and alpha lipoic acid together since he's the guy who won't take more than 3 grams of vitamin C. Also L-glutamine. He can't tolerate turmeric or very much vitamin B.

He is very extremely tired, has dementia symptoms now, and a lot of pain. And sharp stabbing stomach pains. No breathing problems that I can tell. He's lost a lot of muscle tissue. I had to stop the physical therapy because of the puritanical attitude. He has a stage 4 pressure ulcer due to a lot of neglect in hospitals. The infection did not go into the bone. But guess what, we are already out of antibiotics and can only get him to a doctor with great difficulty.The home health care company may have found a doctor for us.

He's been told to eat a lot of protein and avoid sugar. He really wants the sugar, so this is going to be a job. Many of the post covid syndrome people go on an anti-histamine diet, but it's just too restrictive. he has a woundvac machine, and I'm told this will be key to getting him healed.

Now I want to end this with a rant against hospitals. It's so much worse than going to the doctor, because hospitals have a power structure, and that power structure does not exist to actually help people. They go about doing what they think is best, and often don't even inform patients or family about it. He's been through 9 hospitals, including the 2 death trap nursing homes, the long term acute care hospital ( where I had to face a consortium of upper level nursing staff and a case manager), and the last one - a rehab hospital. "Eff" the american medical association doctor's union.

I want to post a couple of things about some of the supplements I'm going to try:

Thoughts appreciated, thank you.

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Re: My partner survived Covid but....

Post by ofonorow » Sat May 22, 2021 1:15 pm

I saw a few things that I want to comment on (below). Your partner's "post covid" symptoms remind me about what has been reported in the VAERS/Vaccine adverse reactions database. If this is all about the "spike" protein, I have a suspicion that high doses of vitamin C may turn out to be a good (if not optimal) treatment, although I can tell your partner would resist the dosages he may require. Also, while table sugar should be avoided, you can purchase glucose (dextrose) from NOW Foods, and this could be very important for his recovery and mental health.

Don't forget zinc and vitamin D (for me, 20-30 minutes in the sun daily creating vitamin D "naturally" works wonders.)

Qimualaniq656 wrote:he's suffering bad post-covid syndrome. He's been in the hospital for months, and is now home due to being out of hospital days with medicare. He can't walk, and has blood clots in both his legs. The medical profession's solution for this is to give him blood thinners, but wait,once he's out of the hospital he has to go to his regular doctor to get that. Only he is too weak to go, and insurance won't cover ground medical transport.

As you probably already know, the blood thinners can have the opposite effect and they promote calcium build-ups in the arteries. I would focus on vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K(if he stays on the blood thinners), and at age 70, since he cannot walk, I would consider coenzyme-Q10 (coQ10).

So I'm getting him back on vitamin C and lysine. I'm also going to try N acetyl cysteine and alpha lipoic acid together since he's the guy who won't take more than 3 grams of vitamin C. Also L-glutamine. He can't tolerate turmeric or very much vitamin B.

Glutamine? or Glutathione - as in that video you linked?

So he has diabetes? One of the main things I think I've deduced about sores that don't heal normally, is that the surrounding tissue must not be getting enough insulin. If he needs exogenous insulin, don't skimp. If he is Type 2, that's another matter.... And the answer for a TYPE II revolves around avoiding unnatural fats (e.g. trans fats)

He is very extremely tired, has dementia symptoms now, and a lot of pain. And sharp stabbing stomach pains. No breathing problems that I can tell. He's lost a lot of muscle tissue.

He has a stage 4 pressure ulcer due to a lot of neglect in hospitals. The infection did not go into the bone. But guess what, we are already out of antibiotics and can only get him to a doctor with great difficulty.The home health care company may have found a doctor for us.

At least 200 mg of CoQ10 sound warranted. More CoQ10 would be better. Absolutely required for energy, and many medications deplete our bodies Coq10 levels.

You don't need a conventional antibiotic if you are willing to try either MMS, or better, CDS - a few drops orally.

You can make these very easily (especially MMS) by follow instructions, or you can pay quite a bit for premixed versions. I HAVE NOT USED THIS COMPANY, but it is easy to make sure the CDS is still good. If it is yellow, it is potent. When it loses potency it goes clear.

You may also combine MMS/CDS with DMSO to apply to the sore topically.

And I am reminded that iodine is an antiseptic that can also be used topically and orally, and if used orally, take with zinc as zinc will activate iodine.

He's been told to eat a lot of protein and avoid sugar. He really wants the sugar, so this is going to be a job. Many of the post covid syndrome people go on an anti-histamine diet, but it's just too restrictive. he has a woundvac machine, and I'm told this will be key to getting him healed.

He wants "sugar" for a reason, like air and water, his body needs glucose! Controversially, while I agree with the caution against sucrose, table sugar, i.e., what is in most sweets, I highly recommend glucose (dextrose) which you can purchase from NOW Foods. I don't want to repeat all the arguments I have made elsewhere, but I think that glucose is quite important, and that it may make less vitamin C more effective - when we consume our supplement vitamin C with glucose/dextrose.

I am very familiar with the woundvac - and the advise to increase protein. I am neutral on the protein, (and other than expense, he could take pure amino acids instead for a while.) Again, the secret to healing these sores is to increase insulin, and when glucose is increased, a working pancreas will be induced to produce more insulin - if it is able to.

Glucose doesn't cause diabetes by the way! Elevated blood sugar is a signal that glucose isn't properly moving from the blood stream into cells.


Purchase and use glucose (dextrose) in coffee and drinks.

Vitamin C or Liposomal Vitamin C
Vitamin D (preferably from 20-30 minutes of sunlight between 10 a.m and 2 p.m.)
CoQ10 - 200 to 500 mg
Zinc (as ionized zinc sulphate)
Iodine - 25 mg (activated by zinc and is an antiseptic inside the body)
A few drops of CDS/MMS as an oral "antibiotic" (or combined with DMSO topically)

Others as recommended by Pauling,

Vitamin A
Vitamin E
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Re: My partner survived Covid but....

Post by Lemon Planet » Sun May 23, 2021 8:28 am

I also think the Vitamin C could possibly be the optimal post-covid recovery supplement. Many sickness' can deplete the available ascorbic acid until the internal organs and bodily collagen are robbed of their own stores. The result is a "scorbutic" system or scurvy. I have read that before just can't think of the reference. Maybe Pauling said that.

Animals produce their own ascorbic acid in their livers and have been found to increase their production by many times the normal amount during illness. For humans who don't produce their own C, being low on Vitamin C before getting sick would allow the reserves to be depleted even faster and being reluctant or unable to replenish the supply would surely delay recovery.

I have no problems taking large amounts of ascorbic acid when taken on an empty stomach and before meals except I don't have stomach problems so that could be a factor. Then buffered C tablets or an injection could probably be used. Some hospitals monitor and treat covid with ascorbate injections expecially if they are leaders.

Large amounts of Vitamin C might not solve all of the post-covid problems just improve the general health enough to be able to cope with the remaining problems. Maybe 3000mg of C every 3 or 4 hours would help.

PS: My stomach doesn't like the Vitamin C after a meal nor does it like orange juice after a meal. Either is fine on an empty stomach. I also keep pure DMSO liquid in case I would have a stroke. I have read studies of how DMSO can keep the brain functioning in spite of either a clot or a hemorrhage so I wonder about the clots in the legs. I mix 1 tsp DMSO with distilled water and then drink on an empty stomach for headaches while a professional should be consulted if there is a chance the clots in the legs could become dislodged and travel to the lungs or the brain. That is why I keep the DMSO handy just in case.

EDIT: here is a good summary of DMSO and clots toward the end of the comments:
Vitamin C: intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent insufficient ascorbic acid.

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Re: My partner survived Covid but....

Post by Blargus » Mon May 24, 2021 9:08 pm

I'm no expert but Vitamin E is also supposed to help with clots.

Dr. Thomas Levy on a radio appearance yesterday recommended if you don't have the time or effort for continuous high dose Vitamin C you could do 2000 mg 3x or 4x a day he says it seems to work pretty well.

I wonder if Flor Essence tea might help or less expensive Essiac herbal blend at some health food stores. It is supposed to be good generally also for pain relief as well as "greatly benefiting any ailment" according to Dr. Charles Brusch who studied it. Sir Frederick Banting who did lots of work on diabetes found it to be a good treatment for that in some cases as well. It seemed to help for my probable post-covid. It's easy to take just 2 oz 2x/day.

Lately found one or two half glasses of Kombucha a day seems to help also, it is supposed to be great for inflammatory diseases might be worth a try sometimes you can find it in supermarkets.

Also at some supermarkets is Bach Rescue Remedy is a good general thing to have for stress, depression and anxiety apparently also for convalescence.

Chlorine dioxide is supposed to improve post-covid according to the study from Bolivia:

A line of research is being developed in post-COVID syndrome by one of the authors (B. Bolano), focusing attention on the possibility that ClO2 acts at the level of inflammasomes or even NETosis as a possible explanation for the improvement in the post COVID-19 syndrome manifested by hundreds of doctors who have reported cases in the world. The relevance and evidence of these findings to the anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of ClO2 remains unclear at this time ... -a/263.htm

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Re: My partner survived Covid but....

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Mon May 31, 2021 8:00 am

Chlorine dioxide is a disinfectant similar to bleach. He's not going to do that. Thank you all for your suggestions.

He's back in the hospital again, and I can't do any supplement experiments. He's now on hospital #10. It's all so ridiculous. yesterday they didn't give him food because they were worried about his ability to swallow, and nobody communicated that to us. That is not how it is done. First, pureed diet, then chopped diet, then back to solid food. I have to spend so much energy on complaining.

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Re: My partner survived Covid but....

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Mon May 31, 2021 5:23 pm

Also, whaddayaknow, they are giving him vitamin c in the hospital. 3 grams a day, split into 2 doses. I'll take it.

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Re: My partner survived Covid but....

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:19 am

The covid long haulers themselves are recommending b12 shots and Glutathione. It is something that is best achieved with precursor supplements, and vitamin C is one of them. Another one is glutamine. I'll be giving him 5-6000 mcgs a day of b12.

He's got a bad problem with UTI's. Hospitals won't give antibiotics to take home. I'll be trying oil of oregano, garlic oil, cranberry concentrate, vitamin D and C.

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Re: My partner survived Covid but....

Post by Blargus » Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:00 pm

I've heard cranberry is good for UTI also. Great that they allowed the vitamin C! Ran across couple interesting things for covid long haulers:

Dr. Bruce Patterson apparently has discovered an immune marker signature common to all long haulers. They can test for it and prescribe medications on that website apparently.

Also america's frontline doctors say:

Symptoms: mild shortness of breath, mild chest tightness, moderate fatigue, chills or sweats, mild body aches, dry cough, low fever, mild headache, brain fog/concentration challenges, insomnia. Should you believe this might be your situation, the evidence is accumulating that Ivermectin may be very helpful. Telemedicine physicians can assist you if this is your situation. The dosage can vary but Ivermectin 0.2-0.3 mg/kg for 2-5 days or sometimes higher 0.4 mg/kg as long as seven days may help ... -covid-19/

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Re: My partner survived Covid but....

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:44 am

Yes, I'm giving him cranberry in pill form. Apparently the benefit is that it slows the bacteria down, and prevents the bacteria from sticking to the lining of the bladder.

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