Ancient (ET?) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

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Ancient (ET?) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:01 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Baby (Modern) science versus Ancient (ET) science - What can we learn?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:26 pm

Expanding on the thought that the fruits recommended by the medical medium were genetically engineered, and that such engineering explains their many and miraculous anti-virus and anti-pathogen properties. For a plant species to survive over the long course of evolution, plants need protection from being eaten by animals and insects. Given this apparent law of survival, where did all these delicious, unprotected fruits come from?

The books provides clues too, such as

Liver Rescue, p; 239 wrote:An apple is expected in the stomach. It was one of the very first foods bestowed upon humankind for us to consume.

I now plant the flowers around my house due to my wife's condition. I attempted to plant the same flower types that we had for years, but the next morning, it looked like the one species (the ones that that require partial sun light and that had been planted on the ground,) had been blown away by a strong wind. The flowers were all gone. So I bought some more, and the same thing happened. Then I saw the rabbit. (Apparently these vermin don't care much for geraniums, which survived.)

It seems reasonable to assume that the amazing properties of the various fruits recommended by MM/Spirit, were not acquired entirely through natural selection, otherwise they would have more defenses against being eaten. From this perspective, you may never look at fruits and certain vegetables the same way again.

More on the apple.

Liver Rescue, p; 238 wrote:Apples in themselves are miracles. They're amazing for digestion. They collect and rid bacteria, parasites, viruses and mold from the entire gut. They create a stable alkaline environment wherever needed. They also help heal diverticulitis and reduce inflammation in the stomach and intestinal tract. Apples are incredibly cleansing and healing for the gallbladder and liver. Not only do they detoxify, carefully extracting sediment from these organs, they also help dissolve gallstones. Mind you, these are apples were talking about, not apple cider vinegar.

. . . Before an apple was turned into vinegar, it was neutral to alkaline. When you eat an apple, it can drive the stomach and intestinal to a higher level of alkalinity without disturbing the stomach's neutralization zone; that is, its balancing of everything that enters it before it move on to the duodenum and the rest of the intestinal tract. (Your stomach can be alkaline and still have a very strong blend of hydrochloric acid, your stomach is not just one environment.)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Ancient (ET) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:32 am

anonymous naturopath wrote:Thank you for your reply. May I qualify my comment about sugar to state: simple white sugar and or artificial sweeteners reports evidence that consumption contributes to dis-ease.

Last June, a friend introduced me to Anthony Williams writings and I bought 2 books...Cleanse to Heal and Life Changing Foods; both of which I find very informative. It caused me much cognitive dissonance due to my earlier years of education and training, however, I am always curious when it comes to healing the body with God's medicine.

So, my husband and I began the 9 day cleanse. We never did one in our lives and both of us are very vital. Well, I lost 14 lbs and my husband about 11 lbs. Not that we needed to, but we felt great and were convinced that fruits and veggies with little fat heals. Since then I have continued to incorporate a modified version of the cleanse and we still drink about 6-8 ounces of celery juice daily.

We will do the same cleanse after we return from our 9 day family reunion trip in WI to get back on track. The downside of the cleanse is it is labor intensive. I lived in the kitchen all day long preparing food. Shopping was constant. No vitamins for 9 days was a treat, I must admit, as I get tired of swallowing so many pills.

Anthony Williams is an interesting man. Many health professionals will have nothing to do with his perspective due to his lack of a scientific background. However, the last 2 years have confirmed that conventional institutions have lost ALL credibility and have become a part of the New World Order cabal. I suppose this is nothing new, so on the bright side, I am so grateful for good men and women who are dedicated to God's truth and medicine, keeping in mind that mankind is not perfect.

As a sidebar, I have begun the protocol to reverse my cataract after reading Dr. Tennant's book and a few others. Time will tell.

Also, I received an email that you have sent me something! Can't wait to see what it is. Thank you so much for your time and dialogue. Learning never ends and should not as long as we are vertical. :-)


The books you read are interesting, but my least favorite. My favorite is Liver Rescue, followed by Thyroid Healing. The first book sets the stage.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Ancient (ET) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:28 am

It is highly interesting that the Medical Medium's vitamin C and L-lysine supplement dosage advice for liver health closely matches Linus Pauling. These dosages are contained in Liver Rescue's supplements section starting on page 310. The amount of vitamin C varies between a low of 2,000 mg (2 grams) to a high of 8,000 mg (8 grams) with an average around 4,000 mg (4 grams daily) usually in two doses.

Likewise, recommendations for L-lysine ranges from 1,500 (1.5 gram) to 4,000 (4 grams)

My plan is to extract all material related to vitamin C and update this post.

Here are samples of the recommendations in Liver Rescue:

Medical Medium, Liver Rescue wrote:Everyday Liver and Health Maintenance

L-lysine: 3 500-mg capsules daily (1,500 mg)
Vitamin C: 4 500-milligram capsules twice a day or 1 tablespoon of liquid liposomal daily (4,000 mg)

High Blood Pressure

Vitamin C: 6 500-milligram capsules or 1 tablespoon liquid lipsomal daily. (3,000 mg)


Vitamin C: 6 500-milligram capsules or 1 tablespoon liquid liposomal twice a day. (6,000 mg)

Liver Cancer

Vitamin C: 8 500-milligram capsules or 1 1/;2 tablespoons of liquid liposomal twice a day (8,000 mg)

Autoimmune (Viral Caused liver disorders)

L-lysine: 4 500-milligram capsules twice a day (2,000 mg)
Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams or 1 tablespoon of liquid liposomal twice per day. (6,000 mg)


Vitamin C: 2,500 mg or 1 tablespoon liquid liposomal twice per day (5,000 mg)

Eczema and Psoriasis

L-Lysine 4 500-milligram capsules twice a day (4,000 mg)
Vitamin C: 6 500-milligram capsules or 1 tablespoon liquid liposomal twice per day. (6,000 mg)

We were right about something else, i.e., that statin cholesterol drugs are counterproductive to heart patients.

Liver Rescue, P. 277 wrote: Statins: Commonly taken for high cholesterol, when the irony is that cholesterol problems derive from the liver and statins worsen the liver condition, elevating cholesterol even more, although the medication hides this.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Ancient (ET) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:16 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Ancient (ET) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jul 29, 2022 12:26 pm

Good morning, My name is [deleted] and I spoke with your Foundation. I have been recently diagnosed with Lyme disease and 3 other tick born illnesses. Could you sent me articles on Lyme etc and protocols suggested for treatment of tick born illnesses. Thank you, Deirdre Foster

My thoughts have been influenced by author Anthony William, especially his first book Medical Medium. Although hard to believe, I have personally come to believe that, like he claims, all the new knowledge in these books are based on an advanced source (science) and can be relied upon.

Williams claims that Lyme disease is not caused by the benign bacteria often blamed, but is caused by a virus. Specific details are in the first book. The major implication is that taking antibiotics is the wrong thing to do, for multiple reasons.

The Medical Medium series is devoted to fighting viruses. It is interesting that both vitamin C and Lysine are antiviral, and the suggested dosages aren't that far off what Linus Pauling recommended.

On page 106 of Thyroid Healing Anthony writes:

Its' worth noting that almost everybody who has lyme disease has a thyroid problem, whether it's been discovered yet or not. That's because, as I said, Lyme is viral. Usually, someone with Lyme has multiple viruses at once, and one of those is almost always EBV, which if it's far enough along to cause Lyme symptoms, has also interfered with thyroid function. This means that it's common to get multiple diagnoses (e.g. Hasimoto's, hypothyroidism, Lyme) when in reality, there's only one thing worng - viral infection - rather tham multiple different source problems. Going on an antiviral protocol helps alleviate all of it.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Ancient (ET) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:02 pm

Over the years we have had many discussions of iodine, with many passionate advocates.

Here is the take on critical role iodine plays in our health from the Medical Medium

Thyroid Healing, pg 131. wrote:
One of the keys for people with hypothyroidism is to avoid being completely deficient in iodine. Avoiding iodine deficiency can also help provent thyroid cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, and cancers of the mouth and jaw, among others. Since most cancers are pathogen cause, iodine is your ally, because it is an antiseptic to those pathogens. Involved in over 5,000 chemical functions of the body, almost all of them undiscovered by medical science and research, iodine is a critical support to both the thyroid and the immune system.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Ancient (ET) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:59 pm

In 2020-202` had an antibiotic resistant staff infection on my leg, that may have been the same infection that cost me my big toe. Thanks to a new DNA test, I was able to beat it.

My new found favorite author, Anthony William, with the other worldly voice in his ear shared this about lemons that if I had known, I would have used topically.

Medical Medium: Life Changing Foods (Lemons and Limes) wrote:

Though you may think you should avoid getting citrus in a cut, fresh lemon or lime juice squeezed on a small cot or abrasion is a powerful disinfecting, antibacterial aid, it can even prevent staph infections.


Contray to popular belief, lemon and lime juice is excellent fo oral health. Dilute the juice with some water to make the best antibacerital mouthwash and gum cleaner.

Furthermore, thinking of COVID and respiratory illnesses:

The antioxidant flavonids in lemons and limes are another ally in fighting disease. And when your dealing with a cold, flu, bronchitis or pheumonia, lemon is one of the most effective mucus expellers you can find.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Ancient (ET) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Aug 29, 2022 10:04 am

Rereading the Medical Medium series of books, one is keenly ware that an extraordinary mind is at work in these pages, a mind that is probably not human. This alone does not make the material true, however, as was pointed out in the first post, a single error or major inconsistency would be the "black swan" that proves the claim of infallibility false.

For example, in Life Changing Foods, under the section on papaya, we are tol

Papaya is the number-one fruit for digestibility. Each papaya contains more than 500 undiscovered powerful digestive enzymes that support the pancreas, aid digestion, and mend the walls of the intestinal tract, reducing inflammation and preventing scar tissue from forming there. Papayas amino acids and enzymes combined create undiscovered sub compound phytochemicals that repel viruses. Papaya also contains potent and as yet undiscovered coenzymes that enhance the alkalinity inside the intestinal tract.

And breaking their "celery juice rules, which is to say don't mix anything with celery juice, we find this under tips;
For the ultimate in gut health repair, drink a tonic of papaya blended with celery juice.

An interesting exercise, which I may attempt someday, would be to outline medical research projects that would be needed to confirm or deny all these claims.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Ancient (ET) science versus our (baby) science - And is it really infallible?

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:12 am

Now that I have my new trick, I need to go back and edit using the kindle copy/edit feature.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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