Re: Parkinson's disease!

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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:35 am

That book was Ending Aging, but Aubrey Degrey. On my list to use kindle to post his explanation why vaccinations MUST lower immunity. Stay tuned.

So a miracle happened today, on my Wife's 71st birthday! She has Parkinson's +Plus.

The following is the message I just her neurologist.

She is going into Elderly Care. Yesterday, I had left a long dissertation including her experience using the nicotine patch, which we had taken off at night following the instructions on the insert, and I introduced her doc to the basic B1Therapy for Parkinson's, and told her that we would be starting that very day. In case the Short-Term care facility asked her about both.

Next Morning. Wow! I left the nicotine patch on (didn't take it off when she went to bed). And I gave her the first sublingual Thiamine (B1) pill around noon. I was tired and went to bed with her around 7:00 p.m. When I felt her getting out of bed to pee, I looked at the clock, it was 3:00 a.m. 8 hours! I thought she had slept 8 hours (but noticed that she was not wearing her diapers, which meant she had gotten up by herself at some point. At least I got 8 hours of sleep in a row for the first time in, I really can't remember! To make it even more surprising, after we went back to bed, we had a lucid conversation for over 30 minutes!. She was completely lucid. Going over old memories, me asking questions. Normal conversation, no hesitation in speech. Usually she seems to be trying to remember the question, and I always get "Yes, I mean no." I think I'd always get both answers because she doesn't remember what I just asked and knows one is right. Such a dramatic change after only a single dose of the vitamin B1 therapy is almost beyond belief. Marianne goes in for her assessment, and I hope you read yesterday's dissertation before the facility calls for your sign-off/Approval. I should also mention that I ran across an all natural way to reverse Alzheimer's, which we had to modify given her incontinence. Much lower dose and frequency. Just recently we increased that dose and frequency. I am feeling good about the future
BTW, I got further into the book, and sublingual B1 has the same 100% success rate as the B1 injections. Slightly different frequency.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:21 am

eDOC, you must have done it again? I was going to read and then respond to your last post (now gone) before posting the following:

My wife has already recovered in many respects, especially in the most important respect of sleeping soundly for at least eight hours. It reminds me of the very first customer of Tower Laboraties Heart Technology (way back when they put Aspartame (NutraSweet) as the sweetner!)

Our very first customers was poor Eli Raber with intractable heart pain/angina. He had had all the treatment that modern medicine could give him (multiple bypass operations, etc. but no more saphenous (sic?) veins for bypass) and his cardiologist said, "There's nothing more we can do for you, you might search the Internet for answers." (Hoping, I suspect that Eli would find an EDTA chelation doctor.) Instead, he found us, at that time I was the phone contact for Tower Labs, and within one week on the therapeutic dose of Heart Technology, his "intractable" pain went away, gone forever. (But he was so afraid that pain would come back, he didn't tell us for six months!)

I had no idea there were heart patients like this, living but in constant pain.

Thus began my career Practicing Medicine Without a License.

My wife slept soundly again last night - she has never snored, but was so quiet I became afraid she had passed and that I had a corpse lying next to me. I feel the need to keep from getting too excited, this may be only temporary, etc. even as she is cured before my eyes. I put the details in the following Mychart to her neurologist. Who is a Physician Assistant, not a M.D.

First we are not sending Marianne to Short-term care for a month. The price for one month of Memory Care is $7600. We simply could not afford it and the way direction Marianne seems to be heading, she is sleeping soundly for 8 to 10 hours straight through the night, (the last 3 or 4 nights) and her phenomenal improvement in bladder control, she may not have to leave for me to get rest.

I'm going to share what I've learned. You might find this important during the trip.

Part of the equation is the nicotine patch. We have discovered that it works best for her, with Parkinsons Plus, when worn during the day (per the package insert) but it should be taken off when she goes to be for best results. (I am taking nicotine for another issue, and my issues start when I take off the patch. I wear the patch 24/7) I will share a link to a disturbing documentary where you will learn a great deal about the value of nicotine treating long-haul Covid. Something like what I am dealing with. The apparent answer for the sleep all night and bladder control, and general awakening, is the vitamin B1 therapy.

Everything you need to know is in this concise book: ... 146&sr=8-1
The disturbing link that tutors on Nicotine will be the next message. Since I have a little room, cont.

. the etiology and treatment for Alzheimer's can be found in the eighth major MEDICAL MEDIUM book BRAIN SAVER by Anthony William ... 151&sr=8-9

The disturbing documentary entitled THE ANTIDOTE concisely covers Nicotine's value and use for Covid19. Ardis references everything he talks about. ... e-eve.html

It occurs to me that you are unlikely to be able to use this knowledge under our current medical system. The way of the world, especially a Vitamin B1 treatment, that does not even require injection. (We are using the sublingual Thiamine HCL, per the exact company recommendation in the book. One difference is that I am giving Marianne a one week every day loading dose, before adopting the recommended 3 times per week (MWF) dosage.)

However, you might keep in mind that should you decide to take this knowledge into private practice, you might wind up with one of the largest neurological practices in the country, probably marketed as a Holistic Neurologist. No need for MD, as Marianne first went to a large Chiropractic Neurologist. Large practice that the Chicago Blackhawk profession hockey teams sends their players after head injury. Their array of high-tech brain evaluation equipment was phenomenal.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:03 pm

Discovered this video on natural solutions for Parkinsons by Dr. Bryan Ardis.

minute 40 for powerpoint with summary of natural

Key ingredients taurine, B-pollen/(quercetine), selenium (600 mcg to 1.2 mg), nano particle gold (foreigh protein cleanse), nicotine, NAC ... nsons.html

We have kept on the nicotine, and just started Taurine and NAC.

Will increase the selenium per Ardis's reactions.

Will add the quercetin and colloidal gold.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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