Heart Attack/Angioplasty - thin few risk factors. Product?

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Heart Attack/Angioplasty - thin few risk factors. Product?

Post by ofonorow » Fri May 02, 2008 10:36 am

Dear Owen,

I would really appreciate your advice on which product of Tower Lab or
Pauling technology I should choose to clear the arteries: there are quite a few products, and it's hard to decide. Is "Ascorsine-9 Pauling-therapy" the most efficient one?

I do understand that it's difficult to give an advice without seeing the patient, so I'll try to provide some background.

I had a heart attack and an emergency angioplasty 6 weeks ago. One of my left arteries was blocked, and a stent was implanted in it, and another
left artery is 70% blocked, so the operation has been recommended. I hope I can avoid the second operation by using Pauling Vitamin C-therapy (as evidently did one of the people who left a testimonial on your website).

I have been prescribed the standard set of medications, including Lipitor, aspirin (these two "for life"), metropolol, Beta-blockers (even though my pressure has always been 115/75 and the heart rate 60/min) and plavix, even though I believe my case is rather different from a "typical" one: I am not overweight, rather athletic, I do not smoke, etc.

There were only two implicit indications that something is wrong with my arteries: for the last year or so I've started feeling that my stamina is not so great (still I could easily swim 40 meters underwater, do 20 chin-ups etc.), and my blood vessels have become fragile: I was getting bruised too easily; for example, if I hit a volleyball, small vesssels are often broken.

After I had discovered your website, I stopped taking Lipitor and Aspirin and started taking supplements according to the orthomolecular protocol, which you kidnly published on your website. (In addition, I take Nattokinase against blood clotting).Also, I have ordered your book "Practicing medicine...?" and the book "Living Longer..." by Pauling to get more info on the method.

I would really appreciate your advice.

M. S.

Dear Dr. S.

First, our book has been published which is an attempt to provide the knowledge that I have communicated with individuals such as yourself over the past dozen years. See
or order lulu.com/paulingtherapy

Oh, rereading I see that you have ordered the book. :oops: Thank you.

I think you were wise to stop the statin and the aspirin. As a substitute I would recommend 2000 IU of Uniqu-E vitamin E from A.C. Grace. I believe Vitamin Shoppe carries this brand.

Your case is typical.

In general, there are no heart drugs/medications that I like, and the only thing I would need to know to suggest a product is a) how much vitamin C you have supplemented the past five years, and b) do you know how much you can tolerate? See: http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm

The symptoms you reported indicate that you are deficient in vitamin C.

If you are in the upper 50% like me, then you can probably tolerate almost 20 g daily. In this case, 2 jars of the Tower Ascorsine-9 provide a great many components of the protocol, without pills and in a product that has enjoyed considerable success.

Please feel free to email me detailed questions or monitor the forum
and perhaps join.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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