Cholesterol rising on 2g vitamin C

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Cholesterol rising on 2g vitamin C

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:09 am

I seem to be at a crossroads with my cholesterol numbers. I am a healthy 49 year old who eats right and exercises regularly. I am 5"10 and 156 lbs. My cholesterol has been steadily on the rise. I went up to 230 in September 2009. I stated taking 2,000 mg of V-C, and in September of 2010 the test numbers were 216 (which has been my 10 year average). Now same diet and vitamins as 2010 my September 2011 numbers are back up to 235. I did a VAP test 3 weeks later and the result was 268. The good thing is my lp(a) is 5.

I have NO heart disease in the family but still my doctor put me on Pravastatin 10mg. I hate this stuff......

I take 2,000 Vit-C (broken up during the day)

1,500 i.u of Vit-D3

Omega Fish Oils (3 grams-PM)

Small multi - (equals to mostly 100% RDA of all vitamins/minerals)

Just started taking 81mg of aspirin 3x a week

Any incite would be helpful........

Good word incite...

In my opinion, You need more vitamin C. At the optimal vitamin C intake your total cholesterol should normalize around 180 mg/dl.

I don't like the aspirin idea, (or drug) but if you must, more vitamin C has been should to protect your stomach from the damage aspirin is known to do to the stomach wall.

Regarding your supplements, you might read Pauling's 1986 book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER (not only will it dissuade you from aspirin, it recommends an excellent foundational supplement program (including vitamin E, A, B complex, etc. ) that seems to cover 90% of our daily nutritional requirements. I like adding vitamin D3 - but your amount is low unless you also get daily sunlight and live south of Atlanta GA.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Cholesterol rising on 2g vitamin C

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:58 am

I do live in south fla so I get enough sun and my level was just tested and came in at 52, (30) is the low.

I do have low magnesium and I'm looking into adding to diet (i.e. supplement/food source)

In your opinion the powder V-C (ascorbic acid) or the V-C (sodium ascorbate)?

Also in your opinion, straight V-C or add the lysine/proline. I been reading about negative effects of long term lysine usage.

I read the Pauling's took (ascorbic acid) with a little baking soda to balance the ph and live a full life.....something that in your opinion I could follow to improve Lipids?

Where have you been reading about the "negative effects of long-term lysine usage"??? Lysine like vitamin C is essential. You require at least 1 g per day to exist. I am very interested in any negative reports. We recommend (or Pauling recommended) 2 g per day as a preventive and up to 5-6 g daily as therapeutic for atherosclerosis.)

I currently take 50/50 - half ascorbic acid (about 9 g daily) and half sodium ascorbate (another 9 g daily.) But sodium ascorbate is 90% vitamin C (and 10% sodium). This protocol seems to lessen irritation of the lower esophagus.

Pauling's therapy (adding lysine/proline ) will also lower cholesterol by lowering Lp(a), but you specifically asked about cholesterol. Vitamin C regulates cholesterol.

Think about this. Your body is making more lipids than "normal" for a reason... (If there wasn't a cholesterol test, you wouldn't know it as the only symptom of high cholesterol is "feeling good")
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Cholesterol rising on 2g vitamin C

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:23 am ... e-dangers/

Both sites state it can raise cholesterol (LDL's) its very confusing?

Most lysine I get in my diet and to add it reads like it will raise what I want to lower.

I would like to get the cholesterol lower and presently take 2,000 mg but this is all I can tolerate...any more and it goes right thru me. That's why I was also asking about the Lpo-Spheric vitamin c, I'm not crazy about the sodium in it but maybe I can add a 1,000 to give me a total of 3,000 per day. Also I read the Lpo-C is like Vitamin C on

I think 1000 mg of the Lypo-C can provide the equivalence of at least 5000 mg of ordinary vitamin C, and I wouldn't worry about the sodium!

The first link is scary with the large title LYSINE DANGERS. Of course, it is all speculation and there is really no danger what-so-ever. The "might increase" cholesterol is from a paper Linus Pauling himself found and referenced from Loma Linda University on lab animals. There are no studies in humans that indicate elevated cholesterol results from high lysine intake, and anecdotally, it is quite the contrary.

The second link (after beginning by saying lysine aids by lowering cholesterol) is a childish list of rubbish. There are no references or citations, and in my opinion this list was obviously made up out of thin air. If any one can find the report of "severe allergy" to lysine, I would love to read it! That would be as unlikely as a severe allergy to vitamin C
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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